my memories of you
are depreciating quickly
no longer can i remember
the way your skin smells
in that soft place between
your shoulder and neck
i dont remember
if the shade of your eyes
is swimming pools or
soft green summer grass
your voice doesnt sound right
in my head anymore
and the way i felt with you
seems like it never
really happened at all
that maybe i just made it all up
and i was never really that happy
because no matter what ive done
all the things ive tried
in order to replace you
have never erased you
and have never
measured up to making me feel
like i felt with you
but these memories
they arent sharp, clear
they have been dimmed by bitter rejection
and simplistic jealousy
i wonder if they will ever return
to their bright blazing glory
if the creater will come back
to finish what he started

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