Polly Learns A Lesson

Polly was 7 years old when her family moved to Little Brook, Maine. There were many new changes for Polly. Her new house was yellow instead of blue, it was 2 stories instead of one, and she had a big backyard by the woods. Pollys parents told her she could not go outside to play by the woods yet, because they were very dangerous. Something could get her, like a big mean bear, or a ferocious wolf. They were putting a big fence up next week. But Polly snuck out instead of unpacking her things like she was supposed to. She wanted to play in her new backyard.

She ran out to her new swing-set and swung back and forth, smiling and singing softly to her dolly. Polly heard a rustle in the woods and she froze. She stared into the woods, searching for the maker of the noise. But she heard nothing. After a moment she continued her playing, and soon forgot all about the noise. She jumped off the swing and began to kick her green ball around in the freshly cut grass.

Suddenly, she hard another rustle coming from the woods. She weakly called out, "Who-oo-'s t-th-eer-re?" Silence was her reply. She remembered what her parents had told her about the animals in the woods. Animals that could hurt her. Polly was about to run back towards the house, but she was curious, too.

Then a tiny white little bunny rabbit hopped out of the woods and into Pollys yard. She giggled at the sight of it. Polly couldnt believe she was scared of an innocent little bunny. Polly dropped her ball and ran across the yard to the bunny. As she got closer, she reached out her hand to the furry little rabbit. It twitched its nose at her and hopped back towards the woods a little. "Here little Mr. Cottontail...do you want a carrot?" Polly called softly, taking a few more steps near the bunny and the woods. Suddenly, the bunny turned around and bounced back into the thick leaves of the woods, hopping back to its family.

Polly only had a split second to scream before the evil clown with the red eyes lunged out of the woods at her. It sunk its fangs into her head, splitting her skull with a sharp crack. Crunchy little flakes of hear brain, like oatmeal almost, clung to her little punk overalls. The clown withdrew its fangs from Polly's head and began to chew on her arm. Polly screamed as she saw her own blood squirt onto the bright yellow slide of her new swing-set. The clown had chewed off all the meat on her arm, leaving nothing but a life-less, dangling piece of bone left.

The clown bared its teeth once again, and bit at her tummy, puncturing her liver, and erupting her spleen. Polly heard a horrible splattering noise, and she screamed weakly in terror when she realized it was the sound of her intestines spilling out and onto the ground. The evil clown picked on end of her intestines up, and began to suck it between its bright red lips, like a piece of spaghetti.

Polly writhed on the ground, the unbelievable pain brought flashes of light to her eyes, and she coughed and vomited pieces of lung onto the grass. The evil clown wiped its mouth with a colorful bandana, and pulled out a happy, purple balloon animal for her. He sat it next to her mangled body and smiled its sick, wicked smile at her.

Then it said to her in a cruel, satanic sing-song voice, "Polly was told not to go near the woods! Polly learns a lesson!!" Polly went unconcious as the clown beeped its nose at her, jumped onto its pogo stick, and hopped back into the woods.

The End.

(I wrote this my senior year in high school. A little demented, no?)

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