little girl lost
shes slowly faded
been hurt too many times
now shes jaded

she doesnt understand
what she does wrong
doesnt know why
shes been alone so long

all she wants
is to be held at night
someone to love her
clutch her tight

is she wrong for wanting
what she deserves
life just keeps throwing her
devestating curves

alone when she sleeps
alone when she cries
shes asking herself
will she be alone as she dies

everyday a new tear
add to more tears from her past
sliding down her face
each falling faster than the last

she decides shes had enough
she will hurt no more
in her mind shes hit the bottom
shes been chewed to the core

she walks away from everything
in hopes somethings on the other side
somewhere she can feel nothing
forget all the tears shes cried

walking to the edge
she shivers in the breeze
she cries softly in the night
and makes her final pleas

wrapping her arms around herself
she licks her lips and closes her eyes
with the taste of tears on her lips
she spreads her arms and flies

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